Thursday, September 25, 2008

You Wonder

McCain's proclamation that he wants to cancel the debate in order to focus on the financial straits of Wall Street/this country/us is ridiculous. You've got to wonder if the American public at large can't see straight through the smoke and mirrors. The guy wants us to think he's so concerned with the big issues that he won't stoop to the lowly efforts of campaigning. When indeed his very overture is a political maneuver.

So does the American public buy it? I sure hope not. No one I've spoken with does, but of course I hardly know any Republicans let alone speak to them. . . ahem. What Obama says makes the most sense: this is precisely what a debate should be made of--issues that that the American public needs to know about. We need to be able to hear what the candidates would do in this crisis, if the crisis were in their hands. And as Obama has also pointed out--soon this and all other crises WILL be in the hands of one of them. And here's another thing Obama pointed out: a president needs to be able to do more than one thing. Multitasking is a major requirement for this job. "Non-multitaskers" need not apply. But apparantly one already has. . .


robespierre said...

thank god for blogs like this. the few republicans that I know are just talking heads but your point about Obama is spot on; discuss the relevant topics. Not like when in office Mr. McCain is going to say "need a time out from governing to study". Either he is ready to lead or he is not; this is a bad message from McCain.

slick said...

and as for the 'need a time out from governing to study' - imagine palin. too horrible to imagine. so let's not.